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Astrology Content That Helps You Heal

Writer's picture: Robin PoolRobin Pool

How to read about astrology without freaking out about other people's opinions.

A Black woman seated in a meditation pose in front of a bridge in a city environment

“The Hour of Doom? Pluto is finally in Aquarius” 

I was shocked when this subject heading showed up in my inbox. Even more because it had come from a reputable British astrological organization. Aren't the British known for their understatement? Apparently not always…

Doom? Really? How is that helping us heal?

Pluto has been in Aquarius thousands of times since the Earth formed. How could 2024 magically be the “Year of Doom"? 

Upon investigating, I discovered the provocative title led to their latest live stream. When I checked it out, there was no mention of doom, just a lot of unsubstantiated and emotional theorizing!

Clickbait is real! 

The competition for your attention is so intense, even reputable organizations resort to inflammatory copy just to get you to stop scrolling. 

I was so tempted to say, “Everyone is trying to manipulate me!”

And that's exactly the sort of trauma-steeped statement you have to watch out for. 

Here's my truth: even people who are trying to creae astrology content that helps us heal are inevitably expressing our trauma, wounding, emotional perspective, and personal biases. (That includes me, by the way…) And of course, it's true in every area of human life, not just astrology.

But it's worse in astrology because…

…astrologers tend to use the movements of the planets as cover to justify their beliefs. Which makes it seem more objectively accurate and less like a subjective opinion

That's a specific danger of astrology. It's easier to talk people into your own fears and biases when you think you have the “testimony of the planets” to do so…

But that's total b*******. Because the movements of Jupiter and Venus and Mars through the sky have absolutely nothing concrete to say about the spread of AI or the rise of cryptocurrency or any other specific human malady. They just suggest energies at play in the moment, and it's our biases, beliefs, and intuition that connect those with any real-world happenings. 

So if we're all just using the planets as a cover to express our own opinions, what is the use of astrology? Is it just a rubber stamp for arguing in favor of whatever we think is true? 

Actually, no.

Because our responses to astrological indications tell us something about ourselves, not only the energies at work, but about how we respond to them.

Pluto in Aquarius is a great example of this. If you're afraid of AI, it signals the end of human craftsmanship and authenticity (by the way, people said the same thing about the sewing machine when it was invented…) If you embrace innovation, it's another step forward in technology freeing up human time for more rewarding tasks (the first working battery was invented during Pluto in Aquarius.)

The important question is this:

Since we're all expressing our own biases and beliefs, are we doing it consciously or unconsciously? 

Because if we're aware, we have the opportunity to acknowledge and discuss our biases openly. We can soothe our own fears, questioning whether they are the most helpful response to our circumstances. We can enhance our wellness, increase our understanding, become more sober, able to judge the energies and decide how to respond. 

Instead of just reacting. 

If you really are thinking that Pluto in Aquarius might be the Hour of Doom, why are you afraid of that (or of anything else)? Are you listening to others who stoke your fear for their own benefit, to get you to click, follow, or subscribe? Are you taken in by voices saying that the world is going to hell in a hand basket or that society is on the brink of collapse even though humans are physically safer than they have ever been in the entire breadth of human history? 

Asking and answering these questions helps us heal ourselves and others.

How healed do you feel by the content you've been consuming?

Because the other option is that we're unaware.

Even when we're trying to help, we may just be talking our hearers into the same biases, fears, hurt, emotions, or uncertainty that we ourselves feel. In my house, we call this “defending your trauma.”

Humans are social animals, designed to pick up on the fears of others. (That's what kept us safe in the days of potential attack from large predators...) If someone else is afraid, your nervous system suggests that maybe you should be, too…

So if you read a post entitled “Pluto in Aquarius: The Takeover Of Technology” about the dangers of AI, you'll probably start to feel the original author’s fear creeping into you.

And while it's true that Pluto in Aquarius typically signals technological transformation, previous milestones have included the first paper manufactured in Europe, Copernicus's argument that the Earth revolves around the Sun, and the oldest recorded astrology birth chart. 

These were revolutionary. Life changed. There were winners and losers. Some people fought to preserve the old order. But I don't think most of us would look back and think “Wow, I wish paper had never made it to Europe.” or “The Sun is the center of the solar system? That's the downfall of civilization!”

Now, it's not all wine and roses. Pluto in Aquarius is also associated with would-be humanitarian inventions having unintended consequences, like the guillotine and the use of gunpowder for weapons (apparently, the Chinese alchemists who originally synthesized gunpowder were attempting to create medicine…)

So anyone inventing or working on new applications for existing technology should think carefully about how to head off potential unsavory uses. (Next article is about how to leverage this Pluto in Aquarius period for yourself, so stay tuned…)

But like every astrology transit, nothing is all good or all bad. Anyone who tries to convince you otherwise probably has an agenda to push.

During every period, inevitable change creates fears and challenges. At times, it can feel difficult and scary. People resist.

But eventually, we make the adjustment, and I think most people feel we're generally better off. If you could ask a parent who lived through the invention of the smallpox vaccine in 1796 (Pluto in Aquarius), they will tell you that the dangers of the new treatment were well worth not losing 1/3 of their children to the disease.

In other words, the Long Lens of History generally approves of the changes wrought during Pluto in Aquarius despite the rocking and shaking of the moment.

So here are three ways to avoid getting freaked out by astrology. 

1. Don't unwittingly consume other people's biases and fears.   

Typically you can recognize those in video or audio because people's voices become emotionally charged. In writing you'll see extreme statements so absolute that they can't really be true. 

“AI will be taking over” (when I was an SAT tutor, we would have called this an "unsubstantiated assertion." It's so extreme that you can't think about it in a rational or logical way. Not good for your nervous system.) 

“You won't be able to tell what's made by a human and what's made by a machine” (Well, in some cases it may be difficult to tell, but probably not in every case. For example, nobody's yet invented a machine that can crochet.) 


  1. Gravitate towards less emotional, more historically based content. There's a reason I had better expectations for “Pluto in Aquarius: A Historical Analysis” on Chris Brennan's YouTube “The Astrology Podcast” versus shall-not-be-named organization promoting “The Hour of Doom?”

  1. Be aware of how your nervous system reacts to content as you consume it. If you're feeling calm and interested, that's good. If you're starting to feel stressed, unhappy, or physically tense, stop and take a break. Reset yourself before returning. Or just sign off and find something more balanced to read. Go for a walk. 

  1. Consciously filter out other people's emotions. If you find an article or video intriguing and helpful, you can persevere even if it's triggering you just a bit. Remind yourself that you can take in information without absorbing the emotions of the person who created it. Examine it critically and decide whether you agree. Channel your air-sign placements.

By the way, “The Astrology Podcast” is a reliable go-to for helpful, sober analysis.

2. Be aware that some people may use astrology to manipulate your actions and thoughts.

(Notice I said “some” and not “most” or “all.” That's part of my effort to make this a balanced analysis and not perpetuate my own fear or trauma.)

Content providers want you to stop scrolling, share their video, like and comment, join their followers, or purchase their product. 

Admission: I am also one of those people. I would love for you to enjoy my mailing list, which you can sign up for on my website.

We who put things out there are always trying to get your attention and participation -- that's not wrong. That's how we make a living. 

You, as the conscious consumer, just have to be aware of how we're doing it. 

Are we using fear or hope? 

Are we just leveraging your "pain points" or we also trying to give you tools to feel better? 

I’m not saying it’s binary - it is possible to do both in a positive way. Just, how does it leave you feeling in the end?

Articles that suggest you should be afraid signal your nervous system to ally with the person delivering the information. Emphasizing warnings about problems to come casts the writer as an informed protector who can help keep you safe.

Unfortunately, that means that their content may be full of warnings about problems to come, which isn't good for your nervous system in the long run. 

Are their warnings balanced by helpful tips on what you can do to navigate the situation?

A lot of us are just in warning overload. (Paranoia is usually associated with the 12th house in your natal chart, so you can look at that sign and any planets in it for what to avoid if you feel stressed by too much warning.)

I am not anti-content. It’s important to learn from other people's expertise, including mine, fingers crossed…

So try this…

  1. Choose content that balances an honest assessment of pros and cons with helpful how-to's. More aware, more armed with knowledge, yes. But also considering both positives and negatives. More prepared with helpful action items. 

  1. Choose content that makes your nervous system feel better by creating empowerment. You evaluate how dangerous you think a situation is, and you decide how you want to respond. You can feel more secure, more safe because you can take action.

  1. Seek content that encourages you to be your own source of positivity and security. Not dependent on the content provider to reassure you. Not sucked into the orbit of someone who suggests they have all the answers you need. (How convenient for you since they're selling these answers for just $9.99 per month!)

This is the type of content I am trying to put out. 

If you have suggestions or thoughts about how my content can be more security enhancing, more safety producing, more enlightening, and more helpful, please let me know! 

I am trying to navigate my own fears, avoid the minefield of paranoia-inducing communication, and soothe my internal hesitations that tell me it's not safe to put my opinion out. 

And I'm not saying that all monthly memberships are bad or that everyone who sells something for $9.99 is trying to suck you in. I sell things for a lot less than that on my Etsy shop! 

I just think that we should acknowledge our biases and beliefs, so that you as a consumer can choose.

Here's one of my biases: I reject content that induces fear. I'm already dealing with enough inside my own system. I can't afford any more panic attacks! 

I am driven to balance fear-based content with my own sober but optimistic opinion. 

3. Make a conscious decision to form your own opinion. 

Even if you're not as experienced in astrology as the people whose content you're consuming, you still have your own intuition, your own spiritual helpers, and your own understanding. You can decide what is helpful for you to focus on or believe. 

Take in what we all say, (myself included) and then meditate or journal or ponder to synthesize that with your own internal wisdom

The truth is that none of us knows what this Pluto in Aquarius is going to bring.

You're just as likely to be right as any prognosticator, especially if you've spent some time learning what previous Pluto in Aquarius periods involved. 

There's a saying in astrology: 

“Study the past to predict the future.”

With practice, you can refine your predictive abilities. 

Why not start by making your own predictions, independent of what any expert has to say?

You'll learn it far more by giving it a go yourself than by reading anybody else's opinion. 

You are your own best internal guidepost. You are the ultimate authority in determining what content – and what response to it – will help you love being here on the planet with us.

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