Getting the most out of your session
Be really honest, and mention questions or concerns about anything I say.
Give me as much detail as possible on your situation question. Testing me wastes both of our time.
Let me know if you have any hesitations or fears about our session. Those are totally normal.
Be prepared to take action. Just listening without putting anything into practice jeopardizes your outcome.
Please send feedback on the results to helps me refine future sessions for you and other clients
Click for more information on my Satisfaction Guarantee!
What to ask about in your session
Any sort of practical life question that you're curious about, perturbed by, or haven't figured out with what you've tried so far.
Should I move to a new place to pursue my work or business?
What are the pros and cons of marrying the person I'm currently dating?
What can I do to succeed on my new educational path?
How can I attract a healthy romantic relationship?
How do I stop experiencing chronic health issues my doctor can't fix?
Yes/No questions are fine.
Timing questions are a little trickier, but we'll do our best to first figure out whether your outcome is likely, and then estimate how long it might take…
Seer's Responsibility vs. Client's Responsibility
Recently I gave a client a 3-minute example of what she could say to push back on a tricky work assignment.
She said, “Well, that sounds beautiful, but I'm only going to have 30 seconds.”
So I distilled it down to a single sentence.
She smiled and said, “That is perfect!”
Using my intuition, life experience, and connection with our spirit guides, I make the best recommendations I can about what you'll encounter and how you can make the most of those circumstances.
Then you must tell me what you think:
If you love it, tell me: "This feels really aligned!"
If you're not sure, push back.
If you have a specific concern, give me the details.
We'll work together to refine my recommendations based on your concerns and feedback.
Finally, you must actually take the actions and do anything else that's normally required (like, if I advise you on a job interview, you must to actually go to the interview and complete the rest of the process, pass the background check, etc.)

"The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."
Eleanor Roosevelt
First Lady of the United States
Are the answers guaranteed?

My answer is guaranteed to give you the best chance to achieve the outcome you want…assuming that it is for your highest good.
So I usually ask three questions in a session:
Is whatever you're asking for even possible?
Is it a good idea? That is to say, will it be positive for you.
If so, what can you do to give yourself the best chance?
If the first two answers are not positive, we will explore what you should be trying to achieve instead!
If you do this, I guarantee that what I give you will be helpful and optimize your chances at success.
It's possible that I won't be able to access a specific prediction about your situation. If that happens, I'll let you know, and you can decide whether you still would like to pay me for suggestions on how to have the best chance at achieving your ideal outcome.
What happens if the prediction turns out to be wrong?
If you have done everything you can on your end to ensure the outcome, and what I predicted did not happen, then…
...I refund your money.
A few questions from clients...
Energies in play are usually pretty set. But how you choose to work with these energies is not absolute!
Say we discover your new job location will elicit aggressive energies, arguments or taking offense.
Once you're aware, you can decide how you want to react.
You might be sitting in a bar having a perfectly lovely discussion that suddenly starts to turn heated. And you think, “Wait a minute, that's exactly what our session predicted.”
Then you can choose.
Do you want to dive into this argument?
Do you want to walk away?
Do you want to continue talking but not let anger build up on your side?
Our session will also discover productive uses for those aggressive physical energies. Start martial arts. Go from a few miles a week to running marathons.
Or choose a different location or alternative path to access easier energies.
I learned too many negative things the hard way, after the fact. So I became determined to figure out a way to predict what was going to happen in advance. My life has been so much better since then. I love to pass on the same “forewarned is forearmed” knowledge to my clients.
"It's not all absolute, like black and white, is it?"
People have been discussing this concern for thousands of years, and the answer is definitely “yes”!
A prediction enhances the potential for you to create that outcome. It's supposed to!
You notice possibilities you might have otherwise overlooked. You take actions you wouldn't have known about. You tweak the outcome in your favor.
You also may selectively notice or emphasize conditions that make the outcome seem more pronounced, which helps you bounce back from any challenges and emphasize the wins.
If a session predicts obstacles, I give you recommendations to avoid the worst. We'll talk about what to look for and how to react if you feel yourself starting to go down a less desirable path.
You only get a “negative" self-fulfilling prophecy if you focus on the challenging aspects and don't take any remediating actions. Then you could arguably just magnify the problems and be depressed.
But you're not that kind of client, are you?
"Could it just become a self-fulfilling prophecy?"

"My interest is in the future because I'm going to spend the rest of my life there."
Charles Kettering
"How do you avoid being overly influenced?"
If you're the kind of person who takes advice you without filtering it through your personal preferences, it is possible to feel like you have no choice but to do exactly what I said.
(To be honest, I used to see to advice this way, like other people knew what was best for me, so I get it.)
Avoid that by realizing that is absolutely not what a Seer Session is about!
It's not about me telling you what to do. I'm a guide, advisor, and mirror. You make your own decisions and use my recommendations to refine your own natural strengths and gifts.
We're here to discover what you can do to have your own hand on tiller of your life.
You are in control of what you decide to do. And you should push back if you have any concerns or questions. You can always message or email me later if you're uncertain about how to balance my recommendations with your preferences or circumstances.
"How do you answer Yes / No questions if the future is fluid?"
The future is somewhat fluid because people have some amount of free will.
My predictions assume the client will act on the steps that I recommend.
So I might predict something like: Yes, you will get this job, assuming you approach the interview the way that we mapped out and do everything else necessary (submit your documentation, pass the background check, dress appropriately for your tour, etc.)
If you, for any reason, don't follow through on our plan or complete the other steps, your free will can interfere with my prediction.
I predict using my own intuition and the assistance of our spirit guides who more knowledge of your capacities and the future potential.
In some sense, we're sailing the seas of the future together. We may not foresee every occurrence, but with our combined knowledge, and our psychic and spiritual connections, we can foresee enough to be confident about our our destination.