Natal Chart Readings
Learn how your birth astrology supports your career, relationship, spiritual growth, or satisfaction goals.
Troubleshoot your natal chart - discover simple, powerful methods for supporting your personal blocked or challenged energies.
Uncover your spiritual gifts and make sense of confusing or challenging spiritual experiences.
Year Ahead / Birthday Readings
Do you have questions about what the next year has in store for you?
Want to know what to expect in career, romance, relationships, travel, or family?
Transformation ahead - Eclipse Cycles
Key planets and transits - Zodiacal Releasing
Potential major life path influences - Planetary Returns
Rocky spots or challenging areas - Mars / Saturn Activations
Opportunities for extra joy and abundance - Jupiter/ Venus Activations
Please note that I don't do date-specific predictive work or answer Yes/No questions. I can tell you how to get ready to meet the love of your life this year, but whether it happens in the next 12 months is up to you and the universe!
Mythological Asteroid Astrology
Go beyond the familiar 10 planets.
Investigate questions or challenges other astrology readings have not addressed.
Discover role models to inspire spiritual growth.
Learn how powerful figures like Hekate, Circe the Sorceress, and Isis inspire your experience.
Asteroid Astrology FAQs
What does a Mythological Asteroid Astrology reading involve?
A basic description of your chart’s major features
5-7 mythological, spiritual, or skill-based asteroids and their stories significant to your chart.
Specific attention to challenges - which indicate a missed step and which show the right path?
Let me know in advance if there are any areas or topics you would like to explore (e.g spirituality, work, relationships, life purpose and path).
Tropical and sidereal readings available. Link to full recording emailed afterwards.
How is Mythological Asteroid Astrology different from modern Western astrology?
You may be asking yourself, “But isn't all astrology related to mythology?”
The answer is yes and no.
Sometimes the mythological qualities contribute to planets’ interpretations. Mercury, named for the messenger of the gods, represents communication and speed. Venus, named for the goddess of love, represents passion and attraction. However, the planet Neptune is associated with fantasy, dreams, confusion, and the unknown, which are not directly related to the Roman god of the sea.
And even when mythology matches astrological qualities, few astrologers actually utlize any stories about those figures.
But people love stories! Many of us learn best when we hear a story we can relate to! Asking how it applies to our lives helps us understand ourselves and inspires us to grow.
What does Mythological Asteroid Astrology include that modern Western astrology does not?
Many more signifiers, beyond the traditional 10 planets and lights, allowing us to evaluate specific topics like abuse, psychological wounds, talents, and skills.
Ancient Egyptian, Hawaiian, and Sumerian pantheons - just to name a few - in addition to traditional Greek and Roman traditions.
Stories you can actually see yourself in, learning valuable life lessons and being inspired (or warned) by the characters.
Specific pinpointing of warnings, difficulties, and challenges using ancient astrology techniques.
How is Mythological Asteroid Astrology similar to modern Western astrology?
Mythological Astrology uses the standard 12 houses, 12 signs, and all of the normal features of a modern western astrology chart, including the planets, sun and moon, ascendant, descendant, north and south node, and most other features that can be found in the standard astrology software.
It also follows the typical practice of interpreting the signfiers and their stories within the context of the sign qualities and house life areas. If you have any experience interpreting planets based on their house and/or sign in your chart, you can port those skills right over to Mythological Astrology.